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Saturday, May 7, 2011

Uninstall a Program (Sorfware)

Why I uninstall a program:
Uninstallation is very useful when hard drive having low storage capacity, and operating system operate very slow and quite about hanging pc.
Which program to uninstall:
You uninstall any program that you don’t often use regularly, or no use, but be careful to uninstall program that you use somehow and software that operating system use to load properly on pc, i.e., hardware drivers, vga’s software, mother board software.
How to uninstall program:
From start menu:
1-      Click start button
2-      Find and navigate to program shortcut sub menu from start menu (i.e., START>PROGRAM>NORTON ANTIRVIRUS)
Uninstall window pops and follow instruction
4-      Click all yes button during uninstallation which prompt to delete data and program and file association
5-      Click Finish button (Finalizing uninstallation of program)
From Control Panel
1-      Click start button
2-      Click settings
3-      Click control panel (double click if control panel is sub menu)
4-      Find and double click “ADD Remove Programs“ icon
5-      Find and navigate to program that you want to uninstall
6-      Click Remove button from Right corner of that program
Uninstall window pops and follow instruction
7-      Click all yes button during uninstallation which prompt to delete data and program and file association
8-      Click Finish button (Finalizing uninstallation of program)
Most program don’t requires restarting operating system, anyways some program requires for restarting, follow instruction, and restart your pc by click yes button.

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